Ramblings From The Cave

Oogah Boogah!

Those have been proven to be among the very first words our ancient cavemen ancestors spoke, and they’re just as relevant today. And you know…it’s always good to put some words down for the historical record. Someday, our generation will be scrutinized by the historians (God help us all), who will be looking for clues to see how we ticked. Seeing as I’m sure they’ll want to include the Caveman Good blog as a…barometer (oooh, big word!) for mankind’s progress, well…..ramblings just seem like a good idea.

I like toast. I think it’s one of nature’s most perfect foods. Someday I hope to grow my own toast garden.

I like the sun. Man, it’s almost like….without the sun, life would be really dark. And it might not be very lively either, because it would be so dark that it’d be almost impossible to find the toaster. I mean, without toast, what’s the point?

I like water. Drinking it, showering in it, swimming in it. Watching sprinklers on the grass. Being in the car wash as the water sweeps over you (while you’re in your, you know, car. If you’re in a car wash but not in a car, it’s just traumatic).

I like deposits into my checking account.

I like the color blue. So glad that the sky isn’t lime green or something. Blue rocks!

I like blue rocks.

I like green lights. I like flowing traffic. I like when there’s no one driving in front of me, and when I only have to make right turns. Did you know that it takes longer to turn left? I’ve committed to only making right turns from now on. I might go in a lot of circles and maybe I won’t always get where I need to go, but at least I’ll not get there faster!

I like being able to ramble from my cave, thanks to this world-wide web thingy. Until next time…

Caveman Laptop

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