How Tall Is Your Dentist?

It’s one of those questions that just burns in the psyche, along with “what’s the meaning of life” and “why do they make 1-ply toilet paper?” I don’t know about you, but my dentist is….well….it’s hard to say since I’m always laying in the chair when he casually pops into the room. All I know is he looks like a GIANT in that moment as I’m laying there feeling all exposed and vulnerable, about to let a humanoid poke and prod some tools in my mouth, all while he asks me questions in a desperate attempt to make the occasion feel “natural” by injecting some small talk into the mix.

Sorry doc, there’s nothing natural about this. If it’s all the same with you, I’d just as soon forego the pleasantries and get this over with. No need to pretend we’ve been boyhood buddies and have tons of catching up to do. I have no idea if you’re actually credentialed with those mouth weapons and are adequately trained in your craft, but I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt since I walked away virtually unscathed last time. But mind you, that was LAST time. I have no clue how your today has been, who has ticked you off, or if you’re just angry with humanity in general and have been waiting for just such a victim like myself to writhe in pain while you do the unspeakable – use that scrapey tool thingy along with a tiny handheld mirror and do the general check-up, while your assistant Jennifer did all the hard work in cleaning my teeth and made it look easy. Come to think of it, why don’t we just say Jennifer is my dentist? She’s much less intimidating, not to mention several inches shorter than you.

Ok I just answered my own question; Jennifer is about 5’5″.

How tall is your dentist?



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