Birds Of A Feather

It was 4am this morning, a Saturday, and I was doing some serious gazing at the insides of my eyelids. I was wiped out after a long week and as far as I can tell, I was getting good slumbers. The sliding glass door in my bedroom was open, a cool breeze entering as it pleased. And then it happened.

My eyelids either felt embarrassed at the way I was staring at them or something was waking me up.

What’s that sound? A car alarm?!? Good grief people, can’t you let your cars sleep in? It’s Saturday!

As I lay there trying to piece together the dream I’d been having, I was hoping the car’s owner would disable the alarm at any second so I could return to my catatonic state without having to get up and close the slider – that breeze was nice and breezy. Alas, the alarm kept being alarming, and as I gradually became more conscious, I realized that it wasn’t a car alarm after all.

It was birds.

Geezus, don’t YOU guys realize it’s Saturday? Didn’t you have a long week too?

It sounded like they were out in the distance a ways and there seemed to be just a couple of ‘em. What birds say to each other God only knows, but these two were some serious chatterboxes, lemme just tellya. As they continued their early morning gossip session, some of their pals must’ve decided it sounded good and juicy and wanted to join the convo cuz the next thing I knew, it became one huge gaggle of chirping, squirping, and what sounded like burping. Talk about fowl play!

I started getting up to close the sliding glass door, butchya know….did I mention the breeze? And even though my feathered friends weren’t respectful of proper etiquette by waiting until a more civilized hour, I couldn’t help but think that maybe this was how my day was supposta start. Not that it was time to get up and be a productive human or anything. But when I think of all the noise in the world today….the madness, the sadness, the chaotic threads that weave throughout the globe on the daily… it dawned on me – a pre-dawn dawning – that this was quite the catchy chorus going on.

Sometimes a caveman would do well to eavesdrop on the non-human world more often. The sounds of the breeze in the trees, Bigfoot howling out in the distance, and the birds singing their tunes just as they have since the beginning of time. They have no clue how fucked up the world is. To them, it’s just another day in paradise.

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