Day After Day

Apparently it’s a new day! Wait, didn’t we just have a day….yesterday? If I were a betting man, I’d predict another one is coming tomorrow too.

Funny thing about days – specifically, the ones that we call today – is that they’re always snuggled in somewhere between yesterday and tomorrowday. Ok “tomorrowday” isn’t exactly a word but it should be for continuity’s sake, don’tchyathink?

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrowday.

See how that flows…

There’s nothing I’d rather do than to think less about yesterday, not worry about tomorrow, and focus on what I need to do today. Truth be told, I’d rather not hafta think about today so much either and maybe I WOULD like to think more about tomorrow cuz it’s wide open to all kinds of good stuff. I mean…tomorrow could be the day that changes my life!

Then again… thinking too far ahead can blind us to the life-changing things that might present themselves today.

Then again AGAIN…the very thought of “life-changing” things can seem a bit daunting. Do I reaaally want my life changed today?

Maybe everything is just fine today!

Maybe yesterday wasn’t so bad either.

Maybe tomorrow….uhhh…..well I have no clue. Fingers crossed.

Today’s looking better already.

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