Good Vibrations

Clarksburg, California. A small, rural farming town about 15 miles outside of Sacramento and nestled along the Sacramento River, it almost looks like the whole town belongs in the Smithsonian, as if it’s been frozen in time. My Mom grew up there, my grandparents remained there and I have fond memories of visiting when I was a kid. Of course I didn’t fully appreciate it at the time – it always seemed so boring.

Nowadays though, those memories are priceless. Small town. Nice folk. Hard workers. Family values.

Mayberry, USA.

Last weekend I took Mom to her 65th high school reunion (holy cow!) and it was a gem. I had taken her to a mini reunion last year at a restaurant venue, but as restaurant gatherings go, it can be tough to visit with people when seated at a 2,739-foot-long table. This time it was at someone’s house though and much more suitable for chatter.

There’s something almost magical about being around seniors, it’s hard to describe. For the most part, 99% of seniors I’ve ever met have been nothing short of kind and gracious, and Mom’s classmates were certainly no exception. Being around good, genuine souls is good for our own soul, and it can feel like an oasis in the desert. It’s a treat to hear old stories, tales of the glory days during a time when life seemed so much simpler.

Ok it’s not that hard to describe.

As gatherings often go, the ladies tended to catch up with each other and the guys did as well. Of course regardless of their age, girls still have cooties (duh!) so it was smart of us dudes to give them a little space.

I found myself primarily hanging out with some fine gents – Henry, Bruce and Todd. They were all very engaging and full of life. Henry and I played some pool while sipping red wine from blue solo cups. The other guys watched, all the while continuing to catch up. I took a mental picture of the scene – just enjoying a moment in time with these guys who were roughly the same age as my Dad would have been. It was a special day and I’m not sure who enjoyed the festivities more – me or Mom.

I’m grateful for so many good memories of Clarksburg. I’m grateful for kind, genuine people who remind us that life can be pretty great when we spend time together. And I’m grateful for my beautiful Mom, who’s always been nothing but loving, kind, generous and supportive. I realize what a blessed childhood I had compared with many others, and I don’t take that lightly.

Happy 65th, Clarksburg High Class of ’57! Until next time…

Mom on the left, her friends Diane and Joyce

Henry, Bruce and Todd

The cake – clearly decorated by a guy! 😉

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