Mumbo Jumbo

Sometimes you find yourself out of town for work, ya wake up and feel like throwing some words around. They might be a jumbled mess like the current state of your cranium, but maybe through the miracle of some java juice, everything will make sense in the end.


I suppose it would help if I had any topic in mind to espouse some wisdom about, but isn’t that the beauty of a blank canvass?

Yeah – let’s go with that.

Ok through the power of going thru the motions (and a hot beverage that restores balance to the brain), a horrific topic is actually taking shape. I love when a plan comes together. I mean, I didn’t plan on discussing anything…horrific, but what the hell!

When ya think about all of the hardships our ancestors have been through – the Dark Ages, the Medieval Times, television that was only in black and white – it seems a miracle that mankind has actually kept going after all these years. But dare I say, the biggest hardship in the history of hardships started just over a century ago, and its threat to our existence grows exponentially every year –

Going off of Daylight Savings.

As of this writing, it’s been a whopping 4 days since we “fell back” and said the hell with the sun, we need less sun! (Side note – bright flaming fiery stars have feelings too and it’s probly not a good idea to poke the bear, lest the sun should retaliate one of these days by saying it needs less planets and decides to fade-to-black. It could happen). It defies logic how the darkness at 5:30pm is somehow darker than 3am, but that’s what happens. Hey – isn’t life dark enough already??

As fate would have it this year in NorCal, a couple of major storms have coincided with the time change, coming through and giving us a desperately-needed soaking. While it’s still the fall, all of a sudden it felt like winter arrived at the exact same time that darkness has overtaken the land, and it’s been quite the whammy-whammy! (Also known as a double whammy).

Fortunately, pretty much every Homo Sapien is against shorter, darker days so there’s no need for wisdom-espousing about how archaic our time-change system is and how it should be tossed out (whew!). Besides, I need to get ready for the workday so I simply don’t have time for further espousing.

I’ll keep a lookout for that fade-to-black thing though.

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