The Day Before Tomorrow

My second blog post in less than a year….no WONDER I’m exhausted! Not sure how long I can keep up this pace, but surely my commitment to quality journalism won’t go unnoticed. Okay… may go unnoticed….and I’ll stop calling you Shirley.

A lot has changed since last year. For starters…’s a different year now (say what you want, but I have a firm grasp of the obvious). I started my own business. I lost my Dad.  And time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’….into the future.

It’s so hard losing a parent. Dad had been ill for several months, we knew  the prognosis. It wasn’t really a surprise, but we thought we had more time with him. When you lose someone you love, it really jolts you out of your bubble and makes you realize how fragile, how temporary, this life is.

If anything, I’ve learned that my favorite day of the year is…..the day before tomorrow.

I have GREAT plans for “tomorrow”. It’s good to have something to look forward to. It’s good to have a plan, period.  Butchyaknow….inevitably, this “life thing” doesn’t always go according to plan. It can suck, it can hurt, it can make ya wanna curl up into the fetal position sometimes. But we gotta keep moving forward, and the best time for doing that is not tomorrow. It’s the day before.

In the interest of moving forward, maybe I’ll write another blog post before another year passes by. It may not move anyone else forward, but we all have our own race to run.

I’ll see ya on the race track…and I call “dibs” on the inside lane! (Oh alright, you can have it. Sheesh.)




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