Green Lights, Blue Skies, Black Coffee

Green, Blue, Black. Not necessarily in that order. I’ll take my coffee first, thank you. I’m slowly turning into a morning person…..after I’ve been awake for about an hour and a half. Hahaha. I LOVE staying up late, always have. Lately though, my ability to stay awake past 11:30-ish seems to be a little impaired, so with all of this “extra sleep”, it seems I should wake up and GO, right?  Well sometimes I DO…and sometimes I even wash my hands afterwards. Alright, I couldn’t resist that one (hey, whaddaya expect from a caveman sheesh!). Black coffee GOOD.


It was a pessimist who came up with the term “stoplights”. I mean, theoretically, they’re green just as much as they’re red, right? So why don’t we call ‘em go lights? I could go on for hours on this topic, but my kids would probably say I’m a pessimist too sometimes when I’m behind the wheel. Lol. Stoplights are one of my pet peeves. Now, I’m a good driver. I don’t tailgate, I don’t hit anyone, and I use my turn signals (that’s the textbook definition of a “safe driver”, isn’t it?).  But lately, when I’m trying to get somewhere, those beautiful green lights turn into the most horrific shade of red I’ve ever seen as I get closer to the intersection. Sometimes it’s for no apparent reason; there isn’t another car in sight! Other times it’s because one of those pesky pedestrians has to cross the street, and I swear they’re mocking me as they take their sweet time lollygagging to the other side. Don’t they know I have someplace to BE?!? But today, in my travels, it’s like the heavens opened up for me. I probably broke a world (record for the most green lights ever made by a non-speeding (for the most part) law-abiding (for the most part again) citizen. Utopia, that’s what it was. Green lights GOOD.

Green stoplight

Have you ever asked someone what their favorite color is, and they replied “Gray”? I didn’t think so. I love all of the seasons. Love a good winter storm, and the beauty of the fall. Love the new life that spring gives every year, and who doesn’t love summer? (Other than my friends in Arizona, maybe!). But when we flip that magical switch known as Daylight Savings, it just makes me giddy as a schoolboy. By the time Spring arrives, I’m ready for some BLUE! Not to mention, yellow. “Save” daylight? What a concept….it’s a no-brainer! My only complaint about the current system is that instead of “Spring Forward, Fall Back”, it should be “Spring Forward, Fall FARTHER Forward”. Let’s face it…winter can be gloomy enough on its own. Who says we hafta accentuate the gloom by allowing it to be dark at 5:30pm? Helloooo! Someday when I’m in charge of earth stuff I’m gonna make some sweeping changes. Blue skies GOOD.

blue skies

And that’s all I have to say about that.



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